NEW style Electronic Double Elite Premium home sunbed 18 tube and 4 facial tanners
PLEASE NOTE : Please do not Purchase direct from the website, for purchases or any questions please call us on 01204 844111 or 07785246539 10am-10pm we can then confirm lead times and appropiate delivery arrangements, upon purchase deposits are taken of £250 on this sunbed via card or transfer, The remaining is then payable via Transfer or cash on delivery of your sunbed.
Additional Options if required : side panel body breeze £199, Body breeze and 2 tube side tanner £299
This is a Premium Home Double Sunbed, 2018 has arrived and to start the sunbed season is this new addition consisting of the latest technology in Electronic operation, Reducing not only Weight and power consumption of the sunbed, But also creating a safer tanning environment with the 0.3 EU compliant lamps which are low power consumption yet high output lamps Giving the ultimate tanning experience.
Optimised UVA/UVB tanning creating a longer lasting deeper tan
This sunbed consists of 18 tubes 9 in the top canopy and 9 in the base canopy, along with 4 facial lamps, Hydraulic lift operation. This sunbed due to electronic controls contains no starters therefore less consumables to change when retubing, and comes with an inbuilt hour counter as so you can keep track of when retubing is required, The sunbed has twin 10 minute safety timers built in for operation switch on
In comparison from standard ballasts the new electronic operation also means instead of an apprx 12amp power consumption of the sunbeds, They are Now 6amp Therefore reducing electricity costings by apprx 50%
Additional side tanner and side fans can be purchased at £299 on purchase of the sunbed
or Side Fans at £199 if required.
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